SDGE Environmental Champions Grant

In 2020 Lumbercycle performed a project funded by a San Diego Gas & Electric (SDG&E) Environmental Champions grant to develop an educational package that informs and empowers people regarding the need to significantly reduce the waste stream from end-of-life urban trees by upcycling their wood. The package consists of materials explaining why this is so important and how individuals can engage as suppliers, customers, and processors. It was constructed specifically for individuals and organizations who are already concerned about environmental sustainability and likely to take action. Several such individuals and organizations were engaged in dialogue that helped guide the contents of the package. The package can be found here. Some of those organizations agreed to share the information with their constituents to broaden the outreach. Working with the San Diego Habitat Conservancy, Lumbercycle also removed and upcycled a number of fallen trees from the Ramona Grasslands County Preserve which were creating environmental problems such as fire-risk.